The Mission of Libby’s Legacy is to provide comprehensive breast health care to the undeserved Central Florida community through education, mammograms, follow up diagnostics and Hope Coaches on the journey from diagnosis to treatment and beyond.
Libby’s Legacy also helps stage IV breast cancer patients battling this disease by granting wishes in order to create cherished memories with loved ones through the LIVE BIG program.

Buy your brick today and donate $100 per month for the next 12 months.
You can customize your own brick in honor of, in memory of or in appreciation of someone in your life. Thank you for your continued support.

For 10 years, Libby's Legacy has served the women (and a few men!) out of donated office space. That's over 6,000 free mammograms, securing care, treatment, patient advocacy and support for 98 diagnosed patients- all out of 400 square feet.   Imagine what we will do in our very own home at 112 Annie Street in Orlando!

We are excited to continue to serve Central Florida with the ability to offer a dedicated, comfortable space to have confidential consultations, coordinate services or simply provide 1:1 support.  We are ideally located across the street from Orlando Health, where most of our patients receive treatment.


Here is your chance to be a part of our building foundation. For just $100.00 per month for a year, you will select a custom engraved brick in the entry pathway to Libby’s Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation.  Your brick will proudly display your support in helping women in the fight of their lives.

CLIP ART Collection